Last week, the SpiceJet airline had to cancel or delay several flights at the last minute due to an attempted ransomware attack. Many customers expressed themselves on social media outlining their disappointment with the company, and after a few hours the reason was disclosed.

It was at first unknown if the ransomware resulted in data loss, but on the same day, the company disclosed that it was just an attempted attack that its IT staff had been able to mitigate and allow services to return to normal.

Even so, many customers were still disappointed and continued to complain that flights were not normalized and had to wait for up to 80 minutes inside the plane for takeoff with the potential for flights being cancelled entirely.

Events like this show us why we must have a robust ransomware protection strategy to prevent attacks and quickly regain control before we lose customers and face a crisis. Loss of reputation equates to the loss of money.

Get in touch with us today and learn about our vendors' anti-ransomware solutions!