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Why You Need Portworx In Your Life!

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As the world becomes increasingly digital, the importance of containers in computing cannot be overemphasised. 

Containers have made it possible to package an application and all its dependencies in a lightweight, portable, and efficient manner. They have become the go-to solution for building, deploying and running modern applications in dynamic and distributed environments. One of the leading Container Data Services platforms is Portworx, which leverages containers to provide stateful container storage for modern applications.

Portworx is a container-native storage software that is designed to help DevOps teams build, run and scale stateful applications in cloud-native environments. With Portworx, managing data in a containerised environment becomes easier than ever before. It enables teams to utilise containers for their stateful applications while providing the required high availability, data protection, and disaster recovery capabilities.

One of the key benefits of using Portworx is its ability to automatically secure data in motion and at rest. Portworx ensures all data is encrypted using industry-standard AES-256 encryption. This ensures compliance with data protection regulations and ensures data privacy and security.

Another key feature of Portworx is its ability to provide persistent storage for containers. This enables the storage of data from one container to another, providing a feature equivalent to that which non-containerised applications enjoy. The storage is replicated across multiple nodes within a distributed network, providing a high level of redundancy and reliability.

Most applications today require data to be stored in a database or file storage system, with access to data during deployment and application run-time. Portworx ensures that teams have access to automated snapshots, backups, restores, disaster recovery and archiving of containerised data storage. This guarantees the availability and reliability of your applications and data even in the case of catastrophes.

Since Portworx is a container-native storage software, it integrates well with various container management platforms such as Kubernetes, Docker, and Mesosphere. By leveraging these open-source tools, Portworx can be easily added to any existing containerised environment. 

Portworx has disrupted the container storage space by providing an innovative approach to storage for modern applications in cloud-native environments. Its secure, automated approach to container storage makes it a must-have tool for DevOps teams. The benefits of using Portworx include automatic data protection, persistent storage for containers, and integration with popular container management platforms. As the use of containers continues to grow, Portworx will undoubtedly become an essential tool for building, deploying, and managing containerised applications.

If you are using Containers, then you need Portworx in your life!

Contact us today or more information or to arrange a demonstration. 

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