Ethos Blog

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Ethos's March Events

What better way to finish off Q1 than two events, UCISA 18 & Cloud Expo Europe. If you where unable to attend the shows or make it to our stand. Not to worry; here is a brief summary on the key vendors.     Hyperconverged secondary storage. A modern solution for Backup and Recovery with native cloud integration for AWS. Microsoft Azure & Google. Converged Data ProtectionMulti-Cloud Data FabricSub-5 Minutes RPO & Instant RTOSupports Test/Dev & Analytics       Private cloud. Become your own cloud service provider, cut cost and improved access to IT for distributed faculties, departments, students & staff. Bring cloud agility to your datacentre, with secure self-service & total control across one or more locationsWith one view of your IT estate, you can optimize utilization and cost, and run workloads where they work bestManage compute, storage, networking & multiple clouds in one highly automated environment and one...

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Cohesity, a modern solution for Backup and Recovery

Cohesity, a modern solution for Backup and Recovery with native cloud integration for AWS, Microsoft Azure & Google. Hyperconverged Secondary Storage Converged Data ProtectionMulti-Cloud data fabricSub-5 Minutes RPO & instant RTOSupports Test/Dev & AnalyticsReference architecture with Cisco & HPE Cohesity is optimized for Cloud Native Cloud Tiering (elastic expansion into the cloud)Native Cloud Archive (replacing tape archives with cloud archives)Automation / Orchestration Friendly - 100% API First architectureEverything S/W Defined – Available as a VM on site or cloud VM (Azure or AWS)Data Protection as a service (No on-prem hardware required)Disaster Recovery as a service (hosted in Azure or AWS     To find out more and have an educational demo contact Ethos Technology via: or +44(0)1295675867.

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Introducing the EthoSystem

Modular, Policy Defined Infrastructure   The flexibility that the new breed of data centre technologies offers is game changing. Designed and implemented intelligently they deliver on the promise of an application centric foundation which scales out and in as business requirements demand, and where policy is abstracted from the complexities of the underlying technology. The EthoSystem modular data centre simplifies all stages of the project lifecycle, from cost/benefit analysis through to design, implementation, integration, operation, and support. Best of breed software defined infrastructure available as software only, or provided as integrated turnkey appliances including holistic, global support with options for 24x7x365 cover. The EthoSystem is the culmination of many months of software and hardware testing, validation, integration and development; we’ve done the work so you don’t have to. Modular capabilities include turn-key private cloud and SDDC, hyper-converged infrastructure, scale-out software defined storage, software defined networking and monitoring, policy based hybrid cloud...

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A typical customer conversation...

In today’s blog I wanted to run you through a typical customer conversation that I’m sure many of you are familiar with. Background: Bloxham Mill provide serviced office solutions to over 200 UK based companies. They offer a broad portfolio of services and wanted to expand their DC offering to provide an infrastructure service to their clients. The initial meeting between Ethos Technology and Bloxham Mill to identify their storage requirements started off as they often do: Me: “How much data loss can you (and/or your clients) tolerate during a DR?”Client: “Pretty much zero”Me: “What performance do you need?”Client: “Really fast to support some of the requirements, less fast for others”Me: “How much storage do you need?”Client: “A little bit to begin with but if things go well with the service, lots”Me: “What storage protocols do you need to support”Client: “Erm, all of them?”Me: “What’s your budget?”Client: Feels around pockets for...

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