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AI, Machine Learning, Cloud and 5G are the technologies of 2022

 Studies indicate that Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and 5G will be the principal technologies throughout this year. The 2021 research by the IEEE, a professional technical organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, involved more than 350 directors of technology, information, and IT, to discuss technology prospects for 2022. 21% of experts point to AI and Machine Learning as the top technology highlights for 2022, followed by Cloud Computing (20%) and 5G (17%). Of all participants, 95% agree that AI will drive the most innovation in almost every industry sector in the next five years. As for the impacts of this advanced technology on the market, the prospects are a bit interesting. According to Raul Colcher, “Many areas will be strongly impacted, such as the health sector, with the possibility of remote surgery with robots. It demands requirements on telecommunication networks, and 5G meets these requirements better than previous technologies.” Clearly, as technology advances,...

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