Ethos Blog

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New ransomware alert
Ethos Technology
Ethos Technology
A new fake update for the Windows 10 operating system is instead hijacking computers with ransomware. The alert was raised at the beginning of this month and hundreds of people have already fallen victim to the scam, with millions more at risk. The name of the ransomware is Magniber, and once a computer has been infected, users are served a warning...
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Know more about Pure Storage Flash Arrays
Ethos Technology
Ethos Technology
Pure Storage has solutions for your Datacentre that make it more 'green' (sustainable), secure and modern. Today, we'll cover all the types of Flash Array that Pure Storage offers and decide which one is right for you. First off all, what is an all-flash array? An all-flash array (AFA) is a storage infrastructure that contains only flash memory dri...
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New Borat malware could turn into ransomware, DDoS, and spy on PCs
Ethos Technology
Ethos Technology
A new malware has been identified as circulating and being sold to hackers, which is more dangerous than it appears. The 'virus' can become a tool for ransomware, DDoS attacks, and spying on computers and systems by recording audio and videos. Know more. A security company has identified this new remote access Trojan called Borat, like the Kazakh c...
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What is Ransomware
Ethos Technology
Ethos Technology
What could be worse than a hacker breaking into the entire data system of your company and taking everything from you? Certainly a hacker breaking into your data system and asking for a ransom to bring your data back. And in case you don't pay the ransom, you could lose everything. The name of this type of cyber attack is ransomware, and it can be ...
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Cohesity Backup Solutions
Ethos Technology
Ethos Technology
Nowadays having data protection together with backup, helps to easily recover them in case something happens, and is indispensable for companies that do not want to suffer attacks on their Infrastructure, which we believe is the case of your company. To prevent attacks, create backups, and keep it safe you need a reliable solution like the one Cohe...
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