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Know more about Pure Storage Flash Arrays

Pure Storage has solutions for your Datacentre that make it more 'green' (sustainable), secure and modern. Today, we'll cover all the types of Flash Array that Pure Storage offers and decide which one is right for you. First off all, what is an all-flash array? An all-flash array (AFA) is a storage infrastructure that contains only flash memory drives instead of spinning disk drives. All-flash storage is also known as Solid-State Array (SSA). AFAs and SSAs deliver speed, performance, and agility for your business applications. For a long time, Hard Disk dominated Datacentres, but with the SSD boom, many companies started to opt for Flash memories, much faster and more efficient but expensive. Thanks to Moore's law, flash storage has become more cost-effective making all-flash versions of devices viable. Pure Storage deals exclusively with this type of all-flash Array, called the Flash Arrays or All-Flash Arrays. Pure Storage Flash Array Types...

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Our Commitment to the Earth

Today, April 22nd, the world celebrates and remembers the importance of taking care of the planet on International Earth Day. The intention of this day is to reflect on the urgent initiatives that humanity needs to take to save the Earth and develop a sustainable conscience, aiming to reduce the negative impact of human actions on the environment. We at Ethos Technology are proud to say that we are part of the commitment to the planet. We care about the future of our home. As distributors of next generation technology, we carefully select who we work with to ensure our vendors care about the planet as much as we do. Omar Galbraith, CEO of Ethos Technology, “our vendor solutions offer capacity efficient architecture based on modern data reduction technology that can accelerate the achievement of sustainability goals by reducing data centre footprints. In addition to cutting carbon emissions. Our vendors products...

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  1080 Hits

Pure Storage is named by the Data Break Through Awards as the Overall Data Technology Company of the Year

The criteria used for the nomination always revolve around the principal question: “How does your company or product break the competitive data market"? According to the Data Break Through Awards website, "All award nominations are fully reviewed, evaluated and scored by our expert judges, representing a blend of technical, commercial, academic and marketing expertise within the industry". All entries are judged according to how innovative, active, friendly, functional, valuable, and impactful the company is. Pure Storage, winner of the Overall Data Technology Company of the Year category, passed all criteria. It is a pleasure to be a Pure Storage Distributor. Learn more about Pure Storage.  

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Investments in cloud data storage exceeded 70 billion dollars

Did you know that in 2021, investments in cloud data storage exceeded 70 billion dollars? This is an 8.8% increase compared to 2020. Investments in traditional on-premises storage grew by 4.2% in comparison for the same period, reaching a total of $59.6 billion.The expectation is that by 2022, cloud investments will exceed $90 billion while traditional investments will fall in percentage.   How will your storage requirements evolve? Contact us to know more about the solutions we can offer to you!

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What is XR and why know more about it

A crisis always brings new ways of seeing the world and living in it. The pandemic showed us that we often cannot be physically close to people and brought the challenge of maintaining proximity in other ways, giving way to technology to act. Today, with the help of virtual reality and augmented reality, we can carry out actions within extended reality. Understand more about XR and how it can affect our lives in the future.   What is XR Virtual and augmented realities together form a new concept called extended reality (XR), touted as the future of mobility. It's characterized by offering other types of interaction in addition to vision, hearing, or touch, allowing sensations through simulators. This new language is revolutionizing different sectors, but the evolution of XR will take many years, and the technologies are more and more impressive. Major tech companies are building a part of the metaverse...

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