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A data center can cost up to $1.4 million a year in energy – How can you reduce costs?

The more data demand your business has, the more expensive your data center energy costs can be. A survey conducted in December 2021 showed that a data center can cost up to 1.4 million dollars annually. This number is expected to grow as demand for the internet increases and evolves and this has several implications. Not only is there long-term damage to the environment from using non-renewable energy sources, but data center operators also have to deal with rising energy bills every year. How can you reduce your data center power consumption? Our commitment to the environment and your company at Ethos Technology is to work with state-of-the-art technology providers who have the same concerns and values ​​as us. Pure Storage, for example, designs products that help reduce carbon emissions, reduce energy consumption and maintain the same product quality, speed, and ability to work. Contact us and learn more about how...

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New Survey Reveals Few Organizations Are Taking Extra Measures for Their Backup Copies

The Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) recently conducted a survey interviewing 620 IT and cybersecurity professionals working on the ransomware protection process at mid-sized and large companies in North America and Europe. In response to this survey, it was discovered that even today only 49% of respondents are taking care of their backup copies with extra measures. The research called “The Long Road Ahead to Ransomware Preparedness”, had the intention to: - Understand the proactive and reactive measures that organizations have in place to defend against the ransomware threat;- Segment the levels of ransomware readiness for all major phases of defense;- Examine the state of ransomware mitigation best practices in the readiness, prevention, response, and recovery phases;- And identify priorities and plans associated with mitigating the ransomware threat over the next 12-18 months. Backup is still the safest and most used method for ransomware recovery and prevention. It tops the list of...

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How not to be financially impacted by a ransomware attack?

When we talk about ransomware attacks, we soon know that we are talking about a high financial impact on the company in addition to the loss of important data. Ransom payment is not always the only impact we have, as we have already talked about the worst ransomware attacks, it often impacts sales, lack of consumer/user trust, process interruption, etc. All this means losing money and we don't want that. In 2021, the average ransomware payment was over half a million dollars. Along with that increase of about $200,000, insurance companies have increased their rates by 92% as well. So we need solutions that prevent the attack and help us not to be financially impacted by being attacked if that happens. Pure Storage has written 5 tips on how to minimize these costs that we bring today. Back up your data and test your backups frequently. If you've taken an offsite...

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73% of healthcare organizations have already been hit by Ransomware

A survey released in January of this year reveals that 73% of the world's healthcare organizations have already suffered an attempted ransomware attack. The survey was conducted with 2980 IT security professionals from 877 organizations by Black Book and brought up worrying data about IT in the health area: 73% of participating organizations have already been hit by ransomware at some point. In addition, 86% of healthcare IT leaders believe attackers are outperforming their companies and don't feel so secure anymore. Why does healthcare suffers so many ransomware attacks The reason is not always just the obvious: retaining important health data so that they pay the ransom and avoid interruptions of devices, systems, etc. The truth is, that healthcare data is highly valued on the dark web. Some hackers target medical records and patient information. So, in the end, you can sell them and profit from them. How a ransomware attack...

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What is Cohesity Threat Defense?

With the rise of ransomware extortion tactics, we find ourselves increasingly in a minefield when it comes to cyber security. Every day we are subject to an attack and it is up to us basically to be prepared to deal with it. Having cyber insurance, a zero-trust strategy, and a good backup and recovery system is essential these days, but not always enough. That's why Cohesity developed the Threat Defense Architecture that follows and goes beyond zero confidence to help organizations achieve cyber resilience. Cohesity Threat Defense The Threat Defense architecture is designed to help you improve cyber resilience and stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. The main pillars of threat defense are: Data resiliency Your data drives your business and must be able to withstand any failures that may occur, including hardware issues, system or software corruption, human error, natural disasters, or ransomware. Immutability The foundation of Cohesity is SpanFS, a...

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